Monday, December 8, 2008

Where I am

HI Again,

Well.. As the old saying goes, today is the first day of the rest of your life. There are many things I can say about that... but we will stick with the original intent. :-)

I am going to share all of my past Master Fitness Training Experience with you. I am going to have to practice what I preach and use myself as an example.

Life has given me the perfect opportunity to use my life, as it is right now, to prove my ideas (and ideas of others) do work, if you stick with them.

Some background....

Since I was 21, I have always had to fight my weight, day in and day out it is a struggle. But, it is not more of a struggle then what people with any disorder have to go through. People with Diabetes have to think about every drop of food they put in their mouth. People with an alcohol problem must plan their outings so as not to be tempted. People with other problems have to plan they day accordingly. So, if you look at your life as someone ELSE in this world, with an issue you must face everyday, then it becomes easier.

What we are talking about is a change in lifestyle, not a change in Living.

As I was saying, I have always had to fight my weight. I am 5'1" so I did not have much room to put fat. I started running at age 12 and that really helped me in my later years to keep the weight off. Parents take that as a lesson, my Dad and cousin introduced me to running at 12 and even at 41 I still love it.

Since I have always been active, I did have some help with my weight. Having lean muscles and running tends to work the fat off... at least a little. But, even though I could run 6.2 miles in 45 minutes, I was still a heavy person compared to most runners. Thank goodness I wasn't into the whole skinny obsession, I would have never made it through life.

I have always been healthy. I broken bone here and there, but mostly above average healthy. UNTIL recently! In January 2008, I hurt my back during a military training exercise and my life has changed in ways I would never imagine!

Once I hurt my back, I tried to continue running, but the pain in my back and the migraines that followed were just too much. Over a ten month time frame, I stopped exercising all together, my back and head hurt all the time, I was tired from the medications, I could not work, I started becoming depressed, and I ate. I ate, and I ate some more. I figured what was the whole point of exercise, if you are just going to end up on your back one-day and you can't enjoy the healthy life you made for yourself. I lived his way for about 8 months. My boss harassed me because of my injury, my commanders harassed me because of my injury, I was not getting the medical treatment I knew I needed to get better, and I was getting worse. Then one day, I got mad, real mad. I realized that my body is mine forever, but these people are only in my life for a temporary amount of time. I decided that it was time I took my life back and that is exactly what I did. I did it slowly, but I stayed with it. I continued to ask for help and if I did not like the help I was getting I went to someone else. It has been hell, and it has not ended yet. But, I am in a new place in my life. I finally had to ask the question “Who the heck are these people to treat me like this.” Then I made a stand, “No one treats me like this.”

Throughout all of this I knew one day I would have to get back in shape, and now is the time. It has been over 11 months of no exercise and eating everything I wanted. Well the changes are very noticeable, and my health is in a major decline.

I am going to take charge and get the numbers back where they belong. I want you to follow me in this and see that a regular person can do this too.

I am not on TV; I have no one to help me. It is I, and I alone, who has to do this, and I want YOU to know that you can do it too!

Let’s GO…..

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